Spray Taster Box
Spray Taster Box
Not sure what sprays your furry friend likes?
Try a variety of sprays for just £11.99!
-Red Millet
-Yellow Millet
-Red Amaranth
-Green Amaranth
-Panicle Millet
Suitable for Hamsters & Gerbils!
Great little tester pack, I was just expecting them to be longer they are very short so only worked in my spray holders rather than stabbing them in the ground as they kept falling over from being so short, but good to test hammys over all
An ideal parcel for learning a hamsters favourites, mine has taken a liking to the red millet so that’ll be on my next order
My gerbils absolutely love them, they were packaged beautifully, and you get so many!
I bought these sprays as I had never tried amy of them before and I honestly think they are wonderful and give so much coverage and my hammy loves them 💕
It’s so worth the price and very recommended